Target Symptoms

Whether it’s help with ADD, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Insomnia, or PTSD . . . or just more brain stability and decreased vulnerability to stress, NF teaches your brain to balance itself and not be reactive to events out of your control via our Los Angeles neurofeedback center.

For a detailed list of issues that neurofeedback treats go HERE.

When key brain networks become stuck in a dysregulated zone we experience life as more difficult. Whether waking up, paying attention, performing at our best, or calming down when needed, or improving our sleep cycles; a well regulated brain is key to experiencing life more smoothly, comfortably and focused.

Los Angeles neurofeedback center

If you or someone you know happens to have PTSD you know how much that can compromise life. Treatment for PTSD is tricky because, among the other debilitating symptoms, the hallmarks of PTSD are “intrusive re-experiencing” and “avoidance,” and this last one especially makes treatment that involves TALKING about the trauma difficult to stay in treatment long enough to improve. The alpha-theta protocol of neurofeedback provides extremely effective treatment without ever having to rehash the traumatic events. Call one of our psychologists at our Los Angeles neurofeedback center to learn the additional benefits of neurofeedback.

For very detailed information about PTSD and effective treatment GO HERE. 

It can truthfully be said that Neurofeedback is “good for whatever ails you.” Because you’d be hard-pressed to find any human ailment (with the grave exception of death) that doesn’t involve the brain in some way, having a well-regulated brain will help with LOTS of stuff. Coming in to do neurofeedback for your insomnia may, in addition to better sleep cycles, help with your impatience, road rage, PMS, or mild social anxiety. You may experience the improvements as subtle at first, but then find yourself surprised when those around you comment on improvements that they may have noticed. Our Los Angeles neurofeedback center is available and ready to take your call within a moments notice anytime you need our professional help.