Got Brain Dysregulation?
We offer Neurofeedback for maladies caused by the over-arousal or under-arousal of brainwaves. Unbalanced brainwaves can cause attention issues such as Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, can exacerbate PTSD and can hinder peak performance in athletics or endeavors in your professional life.
What Are Brainwaves?
Brainwaves are the sum total of millions of neurons filing all at once. The number of neurons sparking in the brain at a certain frequency (speed) convey information that defines the amplitude (or power). Brainwaves are measured in Hertz (waves per sound), and have a spectrum of frequencies. Each frequency spectrum carries a different meaning about emotions, physical movement, concentration, and creative expression. Issues happen when specific frequencies do not fire optimally for a given activity. For example, it is not optimal for beta frequency, the “go” brainwave, to be dominant at night or it causes insomnia. By the same token, delta, the “sleep” brainwave causes daytime drowsiness and insomnia if it is too active during the day.
One way to rewire the brain is with Neurofeedback (or what is sometimes called EEG Biofeedback). Neurofeedback software gives the brain a way to see itself in action. The brain then learns how to better self-regulate its states of thoughts, feelings and arousal levels. Neurofeedback software works as if the computer screen is a mirror for the brain; it magnifies areas that are not working as efficiently as they could, and trains the brain to operate more effectively. The brain then reorganizes itself by forming new neural pathways or activating unused ones as it expands functionality. As with all abilities we develop, the gains made with Neurofeedback are typically permanent.
Just as your brain makes sense of information being fed to it from gravity, it makes sense of the information being conveyed to it by the software. The brain is an organ that processes substantially more information than your mind could handle. You mind can not even see, hear, smell, taste, or consciously feel earth’s gravitational pull, yet your brain is constantly sending neural commands to muscles according to feedback it receives from gravity. Even though your mind wants to understand and even participate in your Neurofeedback session, it is your brain that you are training.
Here you are training your brain, not your mind. When your brain changes, your mind will be able to follow. For example, if a person’s brain is trained to increase its arousal levels, not only will their depression lift, but their whole outlook on life will improve as well. The objective is to teach your brain to balance and not be reactive to events out of your control.
For a detailed list of issues that neurotherapy treats, such as Attention Deficit Disorder, go HERE